Predisent Fart recently made some comments re Hurricane Harvey from a shelter in Houston that sounded familiar to me. In that they were 100 percent tone deaf. When it comes to natural disasters wiping out everything you own, it is a "wonderful thing" apparently. And Trump believed the victims were "really happy" and were having a "good time".
A somewhat similar comment was when former first lady Barbara Bush (when her doofus son was preznit and his administration flubbed the Hurricane Katrina response) said (in regards to the New Orleans refugees who were being housed in the Houston Astrodome) "so many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway, so this, this is working very well for them". (9/5/2005).
Barbara Bush's comments were made "later that day [when] Mrs. Bush was a guest on Marketplace, a show on public radio". Audio below. (Source).
So, during Katrina the mother of Republican preznit George W bush said things were "working very well for them". Now, during Harvey the Republican predisent Donald Trump thinks everyone is having a "great time". Obviously it's not so bad to lose everything when you don't have much to being with. Heck, it can even work out very well (because some of the victims got a $2000 debit card). Or be so exciting that you end up having a great time (no debit cards, but you might get to meet THE Donald Trump!).
Transcript of Marketplace Barbara Bush audio: [Announcer] Houston, we may have a problem. [Barbara Bush] Almost everyone I've talked to said "we're going to move to Houston". [Announcer] Former 1st lady Barbara Bush took note of the mood in the small city that's formed inside Houston's astrodome. She said many simply want to stay put. [Barbara Bush] unintelligible ...scary is they all want to stay in Texas. Everybody is so overwhelmed by the hospitality. So many of the people in the arena here, you know, were underprivileged anyway... this is working very well for them.
Note: what is "unintelligible" in the transcript of the Barbara Bush audio above is unintelligible TO ME. If you can deduce what she's saying please let me know. I listened to it several times but couldn't make it out. Nor find a transcript online, aside from the "underprivileged anyway" portion.