Wednesday, July 5, 2023

Evil A-Hole Mystere Gloats With Glee At My Misfortune

A evil racist who calls himself Mystere read a few comments from my other blog that caused him to gloat with glee (happiness expressed using his "Rattrapper" account).

According to Mystere I'm faking comments from myself. Supposedly I wrote "White Power" on Lisa's blog. But that comment was written by Mystere (a bigly comment faker).

Here are two additional comments from Mystere where he wishes death upon me (1st one, in which he also predicts that I'm going to Hell) and my pets (both retorts).

According to Mystere, I had a dog named "Scooter". I told him "Scooter" (not his actual name) passed away. This was a long time ago. Since then 2 other dogs have lived with me. I do not think Mystere knows anything, but one of them did die last August. Which made me VERY sad. The other one is still alive though. And is going to turn 17 next month.

F*ck you, Mystere, you evil a$$hole. For wishing death upon my pets. I would not wish death upon any pet, no matter who it belonged to.
