The Turd that goes by
Mystere on bl0gger
denies it, but I know it was him. He admitted he was going to
go after my blog quite some time ago, as shown in the image above. Though that threat was against my other blog, Whoz Yo Mama. He did ALSO
get that blog taken down, though just for 18 days. But he also attacked this blog and got it locked. And for much longer.
On what date this threat was made is unknown. Due to the way the blog properitor (Rusty Shackelford) chose for comments on his site to display. It was sometime during or prior to 2019.
The Turd also
wrote, on THIS blog "In the past, Mystere, Donkey, Porky and I have all reported you and your hate filled blog posts without anything happening to your hate filled sites".
That he has "no idea" who reported my blogs is 100 percent a complete and total lie. He knows because he's the one who did it. btw, there is no "British guy" who posted as "Q" anywhere that I constantly attack. There was someone who called himself "Q" who posted on the blog of Minus FJ, but he never identified himself as British. He only claimed that he was a foreigner.
And he said English was not his native language. It seems the lowly regarded imbecile that calls itself "Mystere" does not know that British people speak English. Also, this "Q" Turd attacked me. I counter-attacked, but he did the attacking first. I defended myself.
As per Mystere, "You've broken a number of Federal laws on the internet which constitute felonies, including issuing death threats against the President of the United States of America". That is from the same comment as the one I excerpted above.
FYI, dipshit, I never issued any death threats. I have not broken any "federal laws on the internet which consitute felonies". You're a delusional Turd. My bl0gs that you
falsely reported to g00gle have been restored. Does that mean this the bl0g Turd is done attacking my bl0gs?
I seriously doubt it. I bet he resumed attacking this bl0g as soon as he saw it had been reinstated. And I bet he continues to attack all my blogs. Why does bl0gger allow this type of harassment to continue? I mean, it seems he did attack my bl0gs for a long time, but g00gle did not take action in regards to his phony-baloney reports. Because they were fake. There is no hate here. His accusations are lies.
Then suddenly they reversed course and started taking action in regards to his false reports. I know this because several blogs I write were locked for varying amounts of time. This one was locked for the longest amount of time.
And they gave no explanation whatsoever. g00gle only said they reviewed it again and were reinstating. Also they "thanked" me for understanding. Fvck you g00gle. I do NOT understand. I don't know what was reported or why you took issue with it. I don't know why you eventually restored my blogs.
What is there for me to understand? That you're dipsh!ts that HELP Turds like end0 harass other bl0ggers? Yeah, I definitely understand that's what you do. But I do not understand WHY.
btw, the m0r0n also claims "You were watching The Eleventh Hour on Tuesday March 26th, mocking Robin Bullock during the live stream". Robin Bullock is a lying Turd that falsely claims to be a prophet who relays messages from God.
But I have never watched any Robin Bullock live stream. I certainly wasn't watching on the date he gives. ed end0 is seriously mentally ill Turd that needs help.
That does NOT excuse his bad behavior on bl0gger or give him license to attack and harass other bl0ggers, however. He's been engaging in this bad behavior for over a decade! It's long past time for this to stop. That is why I believe the bl0g Turd ed end0 should be kicked off Bl0gger permanately. He won't be. But he should be.
As for this blog, this post may be the last one. It was closed for so long. I wasn't posting much to it before it got locked. I went ahead and created a new blog called
Derivsh's Wingnut Slayer Club. Anything I might have posted here will likely now get posted there.
I don't know what I'm going to do do with this blog. Nothing for now. Maybe something else later, but I can't think of what that might be. btw, a$$hole, I did not cry. I was (and remain) super pissed. At you. Not any other person you suggest really was the party that reported my blog. It was you, of that I am 100 percent certain. Given that you admitted it TWICE. Among other reasons that cause me to be certain you're the false reporter.