This is a swtd blog post from 11/9/2017 that I never published.
To the tune of the Animaniacs theme...
They're trumperMANIACS; they believe in alternative facts.
Intern them all we should; I'd require mandatory deprogramming for their own good. They're trumperMANIACS.
On their minds fake news has a strong hold; Misinformation to sow discord; Paid for in rubles Facebook sold; Micro-target adverts for dupes to behold; They're trumperMANIACS.
Trump's a Christian is what they say; His VP would hang all gays; He was married many times; sexual assault among his admitted crimes; They're trumperMANIACS.
Paranoiac in the extreme; Cultural Marxism is what they scream; "Heil Hitler" in their hearts; They're deplorables who like sniffing farts; They're trumperMANIACS.
Why did I never publish this? I don't know. It appears not to be finished. I was just looking through my posts and saw it on the list as a draft. Thought it was kinda funny.
Regarding paying for Facebook ads in Rubles, I think it would take many more today. As per Google, one Ruble equals 0.011 USD.
No, turns out I was wrong. Apparently in 2017 one Ruble was worth 0.0172 USD. Only 0.0062 more.

To the tune of the Animaniacs theme...
They're trumperMANIACS; they believe in alternative facts.
Intern them all we should; I'd require mandatory deprogramming for their own good. They're trumperMANIACS.
On their minds fake news has a strong hold; Misinformation to sow discord; Paid for in rubles Facebook sold; Micro-target adverts for dupes to behold; They're trumperMANIACS.
Trump's a Christian is what they say; His VP would hang all gays; He was married many times; sexual assault among his admitted crimes; They're trumperMANIACS.
Paranoiac in the extreme; Cultural Marxism is what they scream; "Heil Hitler" in their hearts; They're deplorables who like sniffing farts; They're trumperMANIACS.
Why did I never publish this? I don't know. It appears not to be finished. I was just looking through my posts and saw it on the list as a draft. Thought it was kinda funny.
Regarding paying for Facebook ads in Rubles, I think it would take many more today. As per Google, one Ruble equals 0.011 USD.
No, turns out I was wrong. Apparently in 2017 one Ruble was worth 0.0172 USD. Only 0.0062 more.