This is a swtd blog post from 11/9/2017 that I never published.
To the tune of the Animaniacs theme...
They're trumperMANIACS; they believe in alternative facts.
Intern them all we should; I'd require mandatory deprogramming for their own good. They're trumperMANIACS.
On their minds fake news has a strong hold; Misinformation to sow discord; Paid for in rubles Facebook sold; Micro-target adverts for dupes to behold; They're trumperMANIACS.
Trump's a Christian is what they say; His VP would hang all gays; He was married many times; sexual assault among his admitted crimes; They're trumperMANIACS.
Paranoiac in the extreme; Cultural Marxism is what they scream; "Heil Hitler" in their hearts; They're deplorables who like sniffing farts; They're trumperMANIACS.
Why did I never publish this? I don't know. It appears not to be finished. I was just looking through my posts and saw it on the list as a draft. Thought it was kinda funny.
Regarding paying for Facebook ads in Rubles, I think it would take many more today. As per Google, one Ruble equals 0.011 USD.
No, turns out I was wrong. Apparently in 2017 one Ruble was worth 0.0172 USD. Only 0.0062 more.

To the tune of the Animaniacs theme...
They're trumperMANIACS; they believe in alternative facts.
Intern them all we should; I'd require mandatory deprogramming for their own good. They're trumperMANIACS.
On their minds fake news has a strong hold; Misinformation to sow discord; Paid for in rubles Facebook sold; Micro-target adverts for dupes to behold; They're trumperMANIACS.
Trump's a Christian is what they say; His VP would hang all gays; He was married many times; sexual assault among his admitted crimes; They're trumperMANIACS.
Paranoiac in the extreme; Cultural Marxism is what they scream; "Heil Hitler" in their hearts; They're deplorables who like sniffing farts; They're trumperMANIACS.
Why did I never publish this? I don't know. It appears not to be finished. I was just looking through my posts and saw it on the list as a draft. Thought it was kinda funny.
Regarding paying for Facebook ads in Rubles, I think it would take many more today. As per Google, one Ruble equals 0.011 USD.
No, turns out I was wrong. Apparently in 2017 one Ruble was worth 0.0172 USD. Only 0.0062 more.
"Intern them all we should; I'd require mandatory deprogramming for their own good. They're trumperMANIACS."
ReplyDeleteWow Dervish! The Hitler in you shows up! Franklin Delano Roosevelt and John DeWitt would also be very proud of you.
Rattrapper, Dervish and his cult followers are showing Americans their true colors as they say NOTHING about the more than 22,000 encounters of Chinese nationals at the southern border since October 1, a massive increase from the 2,176 encountered in federal fiscal year 2022 and the 450 encountered in fiscal year 2021.
ReplyDeleteF*ck you, Mystere. I just got my blog back after you falsely reported it for imaginary "hate". It only took 224 days. And the day it was locked was April 1st. A joke your friend at g00gle and you had a bigly laugh over? Are you going to resume filing your fake reports again? Or do you not need to file any reports because your friend at g00gle is taking care of it for you?
ReplyDeleteFYI, dipsh!t, there is no way any "mandatory deprogramming" could be legally carried out. What I wrote was satire. You took it seriously because that's what you'd like to do in regards to Democrats. You NEED deprogramming, but there is no way it could be forced on you.